Monday, December 15, 2008

Kick Cancer's Ass Update 2

Adam's 2nd post...I think we are caught up now!

December 10-

So much choice and so little tasteWhen Erin first heard the words “you have cancer” two thoughts quickly flooded into her mind, 1 – Will I die? And 2 – Will I loose my hair?...... the former WONT happen but unfortunately it appears that the latter will. Now anybody who knows Erin would either relate to her huge beautiful smile or her long curly hair. As I am slowly learning about women (and it’s still very much a work in progress) one thing I have learned is that a woman’s hair is not just a morning inconvenience and the reason to get out of bed at least two hours before they have to leave the house. It’s a badge… their very identity!.. so to face the prospect of loosing their hair is facing the prospect of loosing themselves. Most guys have, (through choice or necessity) shaved off their hair at one stage in their lives…… in my case I quickly realized ‘no I don’t look like David Beckham’ more like a P.O.W and grew it back pronto! Yesterday, Erin made the leap from long curly hair to short curly hair, as her chemotherapy treatment was at last starting to do what it’s supposed to. Chemotherapy essentially enters the body and destroys all fast growing cells such as the type of cells that produce tumors. Unfortunately the little cell killing warriors aren’t quite smart enough to distinguish the difference between the enemy and Friendly fire and also unleash their cell killing fury on ‘good’ fast growing cells, the most notable of which is your hair……. Problem!The theory in ‘going short’ is to minimize the shock element of loosing the locks and retain some sort of sanity….. stress the word ‘theory’The appointment was made at the very ‘swish’ salon (Thankyou Dr Clouser!!) and Erin’s ever increasing entourage bullied its way in. After the initial consultation, myself and Mrs Painter made a hasty retreat in the direction of Starbucks…caffeine and cake.Once the job was done we were then off to our next appointment. Armed with our prescription for a ‘cranial prosthesis’ ……………. Hang on!... I always thought that these ‘technical’ terms were designed to make crappy things sound better… this time…not so much!Now if we weren’t traumatized enough the below picture gives you all some indication as to what came next….If you are African American you have an infinite choice of ‘styles’ with such befitting names as ‘Whoopi’, ‘Oprah’ and ‘Beyonce’……. If not, you’re pretty limited. We decided that you must have one hell of a sense of humor in this type of situation…. You can imagine the rest!We left the store with a blonde ‘crop/bob’ number (think Julie Andrews, sound of music!) and one bright pink bob and when I say ‘bright’ I mean, stop traffic bright…..Erins little way of saying F**K CANCER! We march on……

There are no words! -Adam

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